How to Kill Wild Onions & Wild Garlic with Vinegar

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Weeds are a common nuisance in gardens and lawns. As gardeners, we’re always looking for ways to get rid of them with as little effort as possible. One method that is often discussed is the use of vinegar for weed control. But does it really work? And more importantly, can it be used to Kill Wild Onions & Wild Garlic?

In this article, we’ll explore the effectiveness of using vinegar to kill weeds such as wild onions and garlic, as well as other methods you can use to control these pesky plants.

Overview of Wild Onions & Garlic

Wild onions and wild garlic are common lawn and garden weeds. They are often found in gardens where the soil has been disturbed, such as after construction or tilling of the land. Both types of plants have long slender leaves that grow from a central base, with white flowers appearing in springtime. Wild onions and garlic can be identified by their distinctive smell and flavor.

Wild onions and wild garlic are commonly found in lawns and gardens during the spring season. During this time of year, these plants can be identified by their pungent aroma and distinct flavor.

What is Vinegar and How Does it Work as a Weed Killer

Vinegar is a natural, acidic solution that can be used to kill weeds. It works by breaking down the plant’s cell membranes and disrupting its photosynthesis process. When applied to the foliage of a weed, vinegar will act as an herbicide and cause it to quickly die off. Vinegar is also effective at killing the roots of a weed, which will help to prevent it from coming back.

Wild Onions

How to Use Vinegar to Kill Wild Onions & Wild Garlic

To use vinegar to Kill Wild Onions & Wild Garlic, it is important to follow the steps below.

First, begin by mixing white vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio. For example, mix together one cup of white vinegar and one cup of water. This will create an acidic solution that can be used to kill weeds. It is important to note that the strength of the solution should be adjusted depending on the type of weed you are trying to control. If a stronger solution is needed for larger weeds, use two parts vinegar to one part water instead.

Once the mixture has been prepared, pour it into a spray bottle and shake it well before using it. Then, apply the mixture directly onto the leaves of the wild onions or garlic plants, making sure to coat all parts of each leaf evenly. Allow the mixture to sit on the leaves for several minutes before rinsing off with clean water.

It may take multiple applications before you see any visible results as some weeds have thicker cell walls than others and may require more than one application of vinegar solution in order to die off completely. Additionally, if you are trying to control long-established weeds or large patches of wild onions or garlic plants, it may be necessary to pull out these weeds manually first in order to ensure complete removal from your garden.

When using vinegar as a weed killer, always make sure that you are using a natural solution such as white distilled vinegar and not anything else like synthetic herbicides which could damage your other plants or lawn grasses. Additionally, if you are applying around pets or children’s play areas, make sure that you keep any residuals away from them as best as possible as ingestion can cause irritation or even poisoning in some cases due to its acidity level.

Wild Garlic

How Long Does Vinegar Take to Kill Wild Onions & Wild Garlic

The length of time it takes for vinegar to kill weeds such as wild onions and garlic depends primarily on the strength of the vinegar solution being used and the size and type of weed being targeted. Generally speaking, a 1:1 ratio of white distilled vinegar to water is sufficient for smaller weeds, but larger or more established weeds may require a stronger solution with more vinegar in order to effectively kill them.

When applied directly to the leaves of a weed, vinegar will begin to work its way down into the root system where it can break down cell walls and disrupt photosynthesis. This process usually takes several minutes, but depending on environmental factors such as temperature and humidity, it can take anywhere from one hour to several hours before noticeable results are seen. It is also important to note that some weeds have thicker cell walls than others, so these may require multiple applications in order for them to die off completely.


Vinegar can be used to Kill Wild Onions & Wild Garlic weeds in your garden or lawn. It is an effective herbicide that works by breaking down the plant’s cell membranes and disrupting its photosynthesis process. To ensure the best results, repeat applications may be necessary, as wild onions and garlic are hardy plants. However, take care when applying vinegar, as it can also damage other desirable plants in your garden or lawn if used incorrectly.

About Tom Reynolds

My name is Tom Reynolds, and I like lawn mowing. When I was a kid, I used to help my dad in cutting grass using a reel mower, now, I have my own 6 different lawn mowers. Keeping my lawn healthy and beautiful gives me satisfaction, and I still enjoy working in my lawn.